Tuition & Fee Info
You may be eligible for funding through an Arkansas Educational Freedom Account.
Fees & Additional Information
Tuition payment options are as follows: July-June monthly draft, August-May monthly draft, one-time lump sum payment in July, ½ payment in July and ½ payment in January. Drafts occur on the 5th of the month. You will choose your option during the online enrollment process.
All families paying the Catholic tuition rate must be registered with a parish and show regular Sunday Mass attendance. Families who are registered at a parish other than St. Joseph must complete a parish affidavit to receive the Catholic tuition rate. Families moving to the area must provide an affidavit from their previous parish. A blank parish affidavit can be downloaded during online registration.
Tuition amounts listed above do not include lunch, aftercare, or our summer program.
Tuition payments will be made through FACTS Tuition Management System.
If a tuition draft is unsuccessful due to insufficient funds or any other reason, FACTS will automatically attempt to re-draft two more times. FACTS will email families prior to each draft attempt.
At the time of registration, all families are required to submit a $200 non-refundable registration fee. Grades 6, 7, and 8 require an additional non-refundable $120 technology fee per student.
An Improvement Fund fee of $500 is required of all families in their first year of attendance at St. Joseph Catholic School. This may be paid in full at the beginning of the year or divided across twelve months.
Pre-K students may choose 5 days per week, Monday/Wednesday/Friday only, or Tuesday/Thursday only. If other arrangements are needed, please contact the principal. If school is not in session due to holiday or weather on a day that a part-time student regularly attends, those days will not be made-up. Part-time Pre-K students may add drop-in days if space allows for $60 per day.
Some tuition assistance money is available for Catholic students in grades K-8. The tuition assistance application is available online at Applications must be submitted by May 1st, with 1040 and W-2 as supporting documents.
Multi-child discounts do not apply to Pre-K and Kindergarten children but will apply to siblings of children in those grades as appropriate. The student with the highest tuition will be considered the 1st child, the next highest tuition will be considered the 2nd child, and so on.
Families who withdraw after July 1 will be required to pay a $250 withdrawal fee or the portion of tuition equal to the number of days attended, whichever is higher.
Kindergarten students are to be Age 5 on or before August 1.
Pre-Kindergarten students are to be Age 4 on or before August 1 or Age 3 on or before August 1. Students who turn 3 before January 1 may enroll in Pre-K after Christmas if space allows. Preschool students must be potty-trained before starting school.
For a more complete description of Enrollment and Tuition policies please refer to the Student & Parent Handbook.